A Data Entry role involves entering data from various sources into the company computer system for processing and management. A candidate working in data entry will need to efficiently manage a large amount of information that is often sensitive or confidential. The integrity of any company is based on the data they produce which validates the importance of the Data Entry position. Any information inputted by the Data Entry team will then be used by other people for reference or reports. DETAILS:- OUR COMPANY PROVIDING PARAGRAPH TYPING WORK IT WILL BE TARGET BASED WORK 15 DAYS TIME 15OO PARAGRAPHS YOU HAVE TO ENTER EACH APARAGRAPH WILL CONSISTS OF 6-7LINES SALARY AMOUNT IS 15000/- FO THIS WORK GOVT. AUTHORIZED AGREEMENT IS PROVIDED AND DURATION OF THE AGREEMENT IS 6 MONTHS We Offer Different Types Of Data Entry Jobs with target as well as non target based if intetersted contact us HR.SHREYA
Employement Category:
Employement Type: Full time Industry: ITES Functional Area: Sales Role Category: Fresher Role/Responsibilies: Home Based Work